Saturday, October 24, 2009

What we really want in life.....?

Sometimes when I sit down, I start to think. Think about what I have went through these few years. I always look at my past but someone told me dont even peep. Just move on and dont look back. But actually by looking back, it help me to be a better person.

I was all along lucky especially at work. Most of the times, my bosses like me because I am willing to learn, work hard and I am someone that has lot of ideas to get thing done. But I do have an attitude problem I guess. I will disagree with my boss if I think he is not right, I will sometimes refuse to listen if I feel that they are only wasting my time. I even quarrelled once with my MD and told him that yes I am thinking of resigning.....I was so closed, so closed to being fired by him. I guess maybe he cant find a good reason to fire me so I was saved!

I had quite an interesting period last 2 years. Especially when I started to play Human pets and know so many online friends in there. From there, U get to know a lot of peoples that are somehow "lost" in their real life. Is true, the right word is lost....which is why most of us spend a lot of time online chatting with strangers/friends to find our light and also our soulmates that understand how we feel even when we dont know each other.

Is strange how we can just say out all our feeling to people that we never met but yet we cant tell someone how we feel when they are besides us. From there, we also fall in love ....fall in love with people that we imagine they are and also fall in love with people that make us change somehow.

I am now quite a different person from what I was and I must say I like it this way. But I do feel strange sometimes, feel that I am not me. It made me freak out too.

Right now, I feel so bored and unsure if this is the type of life I want. But yet I cant answer to myself what I really want as well. Can you ?

I was watching a movie on Friday, there is a line that they quoted from Gandi " Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it."


  1. Love this Carine. It's as if i wrote it :) Excpet for the work part i would change that by my school :D Still thinking i made a wrong choice there, but too late to do anything about it... so yeah.

    Wish i could answer all of your quesions, but i am afraid i can't, since i am a lil bit lost as well *hugs*

  2. hahah i think u will be more poetic than me if u write it ...:P

  3. I guess in a way, HP did made a tiny change in all of us. At least, i know it did to me.

    One thing I'll never change about anything in the past two years, is where we all met. :)
